• March 23, 2014

Cool, Calm and Productive

Cool, Calm and Productive

Cool, Calm and Productive tcs

Beatiful deserted sand beach

Is stress preventing you from a productive day at work? We all have those days where we spill our coffee on our outfit, fight with our significant other, rush to meet a deadline, hear a tragic story on the news, or just can’t seem to complete a never-ending list of tasks. These scenarios can cause headaches, stomachaches, and put a damper on our mood. However, there are a few tips that you can try to help alleviate those negative emotions that can tear you down. Before losing hope, know that you can get yourself back into the driver seat and turn your mindset in the direction of success and serenity.


When you’re feeling out of control, remember to breathe. Have you ever heard that breathing deeply will help calm anxiety? This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. So inhale slowly, count to three and exhale. Once your breathing is back to normal, shift your mentality to think positively and don’t panic. You’ve got this. Go forth and conquer your day.

Stop Negative Talk

Don’t turn a minor setback in your day into a tragedy. You’re not on stage, so put the violins away and refocus. It may be difficult to let go of upsetting or anxious emotions, but repeating negative thoughts will only make the situation worse. You have the power to change your mentality. When you think of all that you can accomplish, rather than what you can’t, you will see how much easier it will be to take on challenges.

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Let Go and Let Loose

Having a tense day at work? Do you have a stiff neck, knots in your stomach or just an overwhelming headache with the amount of work you have to do? If you’re not allowing a bit of humor into your day, this can add to these symptoms. You may have heard the famous saying, “laughter is the best medicine,” and is proven true by the endorphins that are released in the brain. Laughter is contagious, so let go of some of that stress by laughing, and brighten someone else’s day, as well.

To Caffinate or Not To Caffeinate

While coffee and tea does wonders to help keep you awake and productive, too much of it can cause anxiety, especially with no food in your system. So if you are a heavy caffeine drinker and have felt nervousness, insomnia, upset stomach, restlessness, muscle tremors or a fast heartbeat, it may be time to cut back and make sure you drink plenty of water.

Switch It Up

We are bombarded by at least 30 different types of media sources in a day. Whether it is cell phones, Internet, or TV that provide news and entertainment, it can become overwhelming. By 2015, it is estimated that Americans will consume both traditional and digital media for over 1.7 trillion hours, an average of approximately 15 and a half hours per person per day. While all that information we consume can be helpful, it may also pull you into a slump. The news channel can be negative or saddening, so turn it off for the day. Rather than taking part in your friends or coworkers gossip, go for a walk instead and give yourself a break to relax. Enjoy the sun outside, or find a new place to eat for lunch. Often, a change of scenery can help stimulate your senses, creating a fresh perspective and energy to inspire your work.

It’s Up To You

Don’t lose sight of why you do what you do. At the end of the day, the environment you’re in is your choice. You are working at the job you’re in because you want to be there, not because you have to be there. Often, the feeling of being out of control causes unnecessary stress, so remember that it’s your decision to be where you are. You’re not trapped. Taking your day one task at a time will also help relieve stress. Focus on your list of to-do’s one at a time, rather than being overwhelmed by everything at once. Each time you check one off, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and can move onto the next with a positive and calm mindset.

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