• February 27, 2015

Why Evaluate Supplier Performance?

Why Evaluate Supplier Performance?

Why Evaluate Supplier Performance? tcs

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Although clients can play a large part in the success of a business, professional relationships and B2B relationships can also influence growth and prosperity. However, some owners or companies can have a different approach to these business interactions that are founded on common interests of returning a profit.

Sometimes, this is due to a sense of loyalty that a business may have with the supplier. This could be a result of the supplier being professional lead since the inception of the company, but it could also come from a mistaken belief that the business is so dependent on the supplier that they are afraid to possibly make any complaints.

This should lead to a reflective evaluation of best practices in operations, but should also beg the question of what the true benefit to not evaluating supplier performance can be.

Cost Savings Through Scrutiny

One outcome that poor supplier performance can have on a company can be a loss of profits. This could result from:

  • High cost of equipment and supplies
  • Inconsistent product stock and service performance
  • Damaged or low quality supplies
  • Lost time costs from missed deliveries or backordered supplies
  • Poor product and supply selection
  • Equipment and services that do not truly meet needs

All of these factors can result in unnecessary spending that can cut into company profits, while also costing productivity.

While there may be a number of ways to review supplier performance, one that is also solution based is the use of supplier competitor analysis. This allows the business owner to research how valid and comparable supplier performance is to other within the same industry. Along with specific cost differences, other factors to look are:

  • Product selection
  • Value added aspects, including service provisions and remote maintenance
  • Quality of supplies
  • Scheduling considerations
  • Other business reviews and feedback

These points can also provide good issues for evaluation, as other aspects of a quality performance do not only need to be based on cost savings.

This action of supplier competitor analysis also gives owners a chance to compare numbers and benefits that could be extended from other suppliers, and this can give a better perspective of the actual value that is received from the current supplier. Further, this type of analysis can also become leverage in negotiations with either an old or a new supplier, and this can also be beneficial to all parties involved.

What Other Benefits does Evaluation Offer?

One highly positive outcome of evaluating supplier performance is also the fact that it is a means of opening up better lines of communication. By meeting with a supplier for this type of review, it can also invigorate the business relationship that is already in place. A diplomatic approach to the evaluation can be to present the critique as a way to ensure contract expectations are met. This can shift the perception of the evaluation to one that is considered valid for professional interactions and may be accepted as a part of doing business together.

This type of review can also give the supplier necessary feedback that can improve their own company as well. Not informing professional leads about possible issues may be seen as poor practice for relationships with other businesses, and it also does not give either party the chance to become a part of the overall solution.

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Even if the relationship with the supplier needs to be altered after an evaluation, the process of going over cost and value analysis can still give insight and inspiration for better solutions to company needs. In some cases, these reviews may lead to a reformatting of the business contract with the existing supplier, but can also become a regular activity between professionals. This also offers a positive way for feedback to be heard and received, while requests for meeting needs are also made. For a continuing relationship, improved communication is also a benefit.

Although the actual evaluation is of supplier performance, this action can also be a lesson in personal behaviors and business tendencies. In evaluating the supplier, an owner can also find that they are scrutinizing their own business, in terms of performance, profitability, practices, and meeting client needs. The result is that this review can be more pertinent to the company owner and not just to the supplier’s performance.

This is especially true on the subject of meeting expectations, as contractual promises or agreements may reflect an up sell that is not truly present within the supplies that are delivered. Factors such as technical support, software upgrades, and compatibility with new technology may all be given as a part of the supplier’s contract, but the actual performance and versatility of equipment and resources can also show the verity of these claims.

Business Supplier Audits and Evaluations

Audits and evaluations are part of assessing any business, and it could be a disservice to a professional colleague to overlook the fact that reviews are not necessarily a critique of faults, but are actually a supportive and constructive means of giving feedback. From a theory based perspective, these situations are valuable for learning…

  • Better business management
  • Sound fiscal choices
  • The importance of asking for need to be met
  • Recognizing where alterations to practices can result in better profits
  • Supportive and respectful interactions with professional contacts
  • The ability to make sound choices based on valid research and methods

To this end, evaluating supplier performance is not only an administrative task that should be explored, but it should also take the approach of considering current business practices and how they may be expanded or inhibited by actions from B2B relationships. This can make it very important for owners also to become extremely clear about points that need to be addressed and possible solutions to these dilemmas. By remaining proactive, even in the event of a review, a business owner can also find that they have secured an even more profitable and loyal relationship with a supplier, because of making the choice to pursue this path of evaluation.

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